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Food, Sex and Pornography: Addressing Process Addictions in Treatment and Recovery

Updated: Jun 28

Watch a recording of this APF webinar, which discussed the prevalence of process, or behavioral addictions, and discuss food, sex, and pornography process addictions and how these intersect with substance use disorders during treatment and recovery.

Process, or behavioral disorders are frequently overlooked and undertreated and can impact an individual’s success in recovery. Examples of process addictions include sex, food, gambling, pornography, internet, gaming, shopping, exercise, or even work. 

Featured Speakers:

  • Nicole M. Avena, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City and a Visiting Professor of Health Psychology at Princeton University. She has done groundbreaking work developing models to characterize food addiction and the dangers of excess sugar intake. In addition to over 100 peer-reviewed scholarly publications, Dr. Avena has written several popular books. Her latest book, Sugarless, covers the latest science on sugar addiction and how to overcome it.

  • Dr. Marc Potenza is a board-certified psychiatrist with sub-specialty training and certification in addiction psychiatry. Currently, he is a Professor of Psychiatry, Child Study, and Neuroscience at the Yale University School of Medicine, where he is Director of the Division on Addictions Research at Yale, the Center of Excellence in Gambling Research, the Yale Research Program on Impulsivity and Impulse Control Disorders, and the Women and Addictive Disorders Core of Women's Health Research at Yale. He is also a Senior Scientist at the Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling. He is on the editorial boards of fifteen journals (including editor-in-chief of Current Addiction Reports). He has received multiple national and international awards for excellence in research and clinical care. 


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