A new white paper, A Way Forward: How Naloxone Saves Lives from Opioid Overdose, reviews ways to increase access to naloxone to reduce overdose mortality. A project of CME Outfitters, the paper tackles how to improve naloxone access for at-risk individuals including those with chronic pain or a substance use disorder.
“We know that nearly all opioid overdoses can be reversed by naloxone, and that OUD can be successfully treated with evidence-based, patient-centered treatments of adequate duration and intensity,” the white paper explained.
The need for linkage to care was prioritized in the publication. “After a nonfatal overdose, connecting individuals across the spectrum to a multimodal treatment facility and management plan that includes MAT is essential to positive outcomes,” the report states.
Addiction Policy Forum’s Founder, Jessica Hulsey, participated in an expert panel led by Dr. Mark Gold to discuss barriers and opportunities for distribution of naloxone and subsequent white paper development.
To read to white paper, please visit: www.cmeoutfitters.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/RT-015-WhitePaper.pdf
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