Monday, June 24, 2019

The Addiction Policy Forum 2019 Awards Dinner recognizes those who are fundamentally transforming the way we address addiction at the local level. We honor the leaders who have made it their life’s mission to tackle addiction and its accompanying challenges.The Pillar of Excellence Awards recognize innovators across our field, including prevention, treatment, research, and criminal justice.
Award Winners
Research, Dr. Mark Gold
Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women, Kerry Norton
Treatment, Kathy Bettinardi-AngresMarla Oros
Harm Reduction, Derrick Hunt
Advocate of the Year Award, Jim Freund
Criminal Justice, State Attorney Dave Aronberg & State Attorney Alan Johnson
Prevention, Lauren Phelps, Julie Louf & Catherine Latham
Legislators of the Year
The Legislator of the Year Awards are granted annually to Members of Congress who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and devotion to improve our nation’s response to addiction and the opioid crisis.
The 2019 recipients:
Senator Lamar Alexander, Tennessee
Senator Patty Murray, Washington
Congressman Frank Pallone, New Jersey’s 6th District
Congressman Greg Walden, Oregon’s 2nd District

Dinner Photos