Responding to Addiction is a specialized, multi-sector training program that is customized for different sectors and careers. The training is full of rich information about addiction science, treatment, recovery, self-care, and resources. Each training is designed to increase knowledge and literacy around addiction, develop skills and strategies to help the community, and promote professional health and wellness.
The science of addiction
The signs and symptoms of addiction
Evidence-based treatment options
Wellness strategies, including the prevention of substance use disorders
Engagement strategies tailored for the target audience(s)
Training resources and presentation
Pre-and post-surveys
Certificates of participation (if not provided by the host organization)
Length: 2.5 hours
Audience: Teachers, Healthcare Professionals, Policymakers, Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement, Employers, Faith Leaders, and Other Professionals
Schedule Your Training Today
To schedule a training today for your community or organization, email info@addictionpolicy.org.