Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network
In 2019, Addiction Policy Forum was awarded a five-year grant through the Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) initiative, a program led by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and funded through the NIH HEAL (Helping to End Addiction Long-termSM) Initiative. JCOIN is designed to advance scientific knowledge on effective policies, practices, and interventions to improve care for individuals that are justice-involved with opioid use disorder (OUD) and expand the use of these approaches into daily practice within health and justice settings.
JCOIN provides a number of resources for researchers and practitioners, including:
Free online courses and resources to support health and justice professionals, and the general public learn about the science of addiction and evidence-informed practices to improve care and service delivery across a variety of settings. These courses can be customized and tailored for any interested organization.
Free training and technical assistance to support community-based organizations develop strategies to improve substance use disorder (SUD) treatment delivery and facilitate practitioner and researcher partnerships to elevate research and evaluation in a variety of justice and health settings.
CONNECT, a profile system for researchers and practitioners in the health and justice arenas to improve collaboration, enhance the discovery of research, and facilitate peer-to-peer connections, mentoring, and other opportunities.
Learning Experiences to Advance Practice (LEAP) is a multifaceted program for teaching about the nuances of conducting research in criminal justice settings and is designed to educate any interested individual.
To learn more, click here.