TL Parker
(202) 770-5329
Washington D.C., August 20, 2020 - Today, the Addiction Policy Forum launched a national initiative to help families navigate the complexities of addiction and find treatment for a loved one. The project includes a free 100-page resource workbook, “Navigating Addiction and Treatment: A Guide for Families;” a national awareness campaign; and online resources to help families.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has meant more overdoses and more people struggling with addiction as we grapple with the stress, isolation, financial struggles, and lack of access to services. Now more than ever we need to make information about navigating this disease and accessing treatment as simple as possible,” said Jessica Hulsey, Founder of the Addiction Policy Forum. “Navigating Addiction aims to help all families that are struggling by providing them with free and evidence-based resources.”
The guide was created by the Addiction Policy Forum with support from Indivior. The publication will be disseminated free-of-charge to families in all 50 states. An Expert Review Panel composed of prominent researchers and physicians in the addiction field also contributed to the report, along with the Family Support Advisory Committee made up of family members with lived experience.
“Indivior is proud to support the Addiction Policy Forum’s development of resources such as the Family Guide to help patients and their families move to a path of treatment and recovery,” said Mark Crossley, Chief Executive Officer, Indivior.
“When our Courtney was struggling with her substance use disorder, we searched Google over and over again trying to find something, anything to help. We found nothing of value,” said Doug Griffin, a New Hampshire father. “This guide is filled with useful information, and I firmly believe it is a tool that will save lives.”
About Addiction Policy Forum
The Addiction Policy Forum was created to serve patients and families impacted by the disease of addiction. Founded in 2015, the organization works in states and communities across the country to end stigma, help patients and families in crisis, and translate the science around addiction.
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About the Report
Addiction is a complicated disease and family members are profoundly impacted when a loved one develops an addiction to alcohol or other drugs. Many are often at a loss as to how to help their loved ones who are suffering from SUD and we know it can be especially daunting to navigate treatment and recovery.
Navigating Addiction and Treatment: A Guide for Families is a resource for family members who are trying to navigate the complex world of addiction and help loved ones achieve recovery. The guide includes basic definitions, as well as in-depth information about substance use disorders, treatment options, communication strategies, and self-care tips. This guide was released in the summer of 2020. It was created by the Addiction Policy Forum staff in conjunction with an Expert Review Panel composed of prominent researchers and physicians in the addiction field. The guide was also crafted with support from the Family Support Advisory Committee made up of family members with lived experience.
Jessica Hulsey, president, Addiction Policy Forum
TL Parker, director, Addiction Policy Forum
Michelle Jaskulski, director, Addiction Policy Forum